Another intriguing discussion revolves around competition in the industry. The fact that large accounting firms are entering the strategy consulting space raises questions about how the landscape is changing and how consulting firms are responding to this challenge. It also addresses the role of specialized consulting practices and the impact of digital transformation.
3. Innovation through technology
Presenters will also highlight exciting developments in the industry, such as combining software and consulting expertise to optimize business processes. Companies such as Celonis are cited as an example of this transformation and show how technology is redefining strategic consulting.
4. Competition for talent
Another important aspect discussed is the competition for talent in the consulting industry. The increasing demand for diverse skills, especially in technology-related areas, is highlighted. The importance of sustainability and social purpose in consulting is also addressed.
5. The future of consulting
The episode ends with a look at the future of consulting. The hosts emphasize the role of scenario analysis, automation, and empowering clients to direct their own strategies. The focus is on delivering value instead of selling hours, empowering organizations to take ownership of their strategies.
This episode offers valuable insights into the evolving landscape of strategy consulting and how this industry is adapting to changing needs and challenges. It is a must-listen for anyone interested in the future of strategy consulting.
Listen to this compelling episode of "Hope is Not Strategy" and keep your finger on the pulse of the changing world of strategy consulting.
Digital Strategy Tool:
Digital Strategy Tool: StrategyFrame 2.0
Certification Programs for Strategy Makers at the WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Christian Underwood
Prof. Jürgen Weigand
Book "Hoffnung ist keine Strategie"
Podcast "Hoffnung ist keine Strategie"